Our Student Fees and Other Charges Policy can be found by clicking on the appropriate link below. This policy is updated each year and covers the following areas:

  • Financial requirements for all students studying at Westminster
  • Payment methods, instalments and payment dates
  • Tuition fees, accommodation fees and other fees
  • Tuition fee liability and refunds
  • Debt management procedures and late payments
  • Financial hardship
  • Debtor sanctions appeal process

2023-24 academic year

This policy applies to all students enrolling or re-enrolling in the 2023-24 academic year.

2022–23 academic year

This policy applies to all students enrolling or re-enrolling in the 2022–23 academic year.

2021–22 academic year

This policy applies to all students enrolling or re-enrolling in the 2021–22 academic year.

Debtor Sanctions Appeal Form

If you have been notified that your registration has been terminated due to a financial debt, you can make an appeal by completing and submitting this form. Full guidance on how to do this is contained in the guidance notes on this form.