This research group works at the intersection of developmental and educational psychology. We are fascinated with dynamics in development and we aim to have a positive impact on people’s learning journeys. Our researchers are from culturally diverse backgrounds – and so is our research, which includes data from the UK, China, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Bulgaria, New Zealand, Australia, the US, Israel, the Ukraine, Romania and many other countries.

Books and building blocks

In experimental as well as longitudinal research, we employ a wide range of approaches, such as surveys, behavioural observation, eye-tracking, cognitive measures and learning analytics, as well as qualitative approaches, such as interviews and focus groups.

We are currently working primarily in the following research streams:

  • Learning of statistics and research methods at university: the impact of emotional, motivational, and behavioural factors
  • Social-emotional learning and social communication in childhood and adolescence, with a focus on applications and interventions (e.g., yoga and mindfulness, sustainability)
  • The development of human values in childhood and adolescence
  • Educational attainment and career aspirations from primary school to university: The role of motivation, cultural background, mindset, personality traits, and gender stereotypes
  • Digital education and learning in virtual environments,
  • Compassionate pedagogy and students as co-researchers.

People researching within this theme: