The Self Leadership Programme with support from the Graham Shapiro foundation 

The Self Leadership Program aims to provide young entrepreneurs self-awareness and resources for bouncing forward, delivering vision, value, and reduced burn-out risk through:

  • Identifying factors that cause stress to peak and factors that help recovery
  • Spotting the warning signs of exhaustion and burnout
  • Learning techniques for better recovery
  • Exploring how resilience makes you more creative
  • Tracking and improving health and fitness effects

Woodland Resilience Immersions for healthcare professionals

This project has invited healthcare professionals from different sectors to gain new insights and skills, and to raise their personal and team resilience and wellbeing. Our partner in this work is Hazel Hill Woodland Retreat Centre.

Lived experience of community leaders and activists involved in the Citizen’s UK ‘Living Wage’ campaign

In response to the Living Wage campaign, West London Citizens have persuaded 7 of the 9 NHS Trusts in North West London to become Living Wage accredited. As the campaign continues to push the entire Integrated Care System in NW London to become Living Wage accredited, Citizen’s UK approached the University of Westminster (UoW) in 2023 to investigate the lived experience of activists and community leaders who have participated in this campaign.

Promoting Student Wellbeing

Funded by the Quentin Hogg Trust, this project was co-created by academics and students at the University of Westminster to generate new resources to support the wellbeing of students at HEIs.

‘Eat for your Gene’: Can Personalised Nutrition modulate body weight among female adolescents? 

This project will mainly evaluate the impact of tailored personalised genetic-based nutrition intervention programme on sustained weight management among overweight/obese adolescent females. 

Associated Sustainable Development Goals: The study addresses SDGs: 3; 5 and 10.