• Parkin BL, Ekhtiari H, Walsh VF (2015). Non-invasive Human Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience: A Primer. Neuron 87(5):932-45. 
  • Parkin BL, Hellyer PJ, Leech R, Hampshire A (2015). Dynamic network mechanisms of relational integration. J Neuroscience 35(20):7660-73
  • Saad E, Wojciechowska M, Silvanto J. (2015). Partial dissociation in the neural bases of VSTM and imagery in the early visual cortex. Neuropsychologia 75: 143-148.
  • Jacobs C, Silvanto J (2015). How is working memory content consciously experienced? The 'conscious copy' model of WM introspection. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 55:510- 519.
  • Cattaneo Z, Lega C, Ferrari C, Vecchi T, Cela-Conde CJ, Silvanto J, Nadal M (2015). The role of the lateral occipital cortex in aesthetic appreciation of representational and abstract paintings: A TMS study. Brain and Cognition 95:44-53.
  • Bona S, Cattaneo Z, Silvanto J (2015). The causal role of the occipital face area (OFA) and lateral occipital (LO) cortex in symmetry perception. Journal of Neuroscience 35:731-8. 
  • Silvanto J (2015). Why is "blindsight" blind? A new perspective on primary visual cortex, recurrent activity and visual awareness. Conscious and Cognition 32:15-32.


  • Silvanto J (2014). Is primary visual cortex necessary for visual awareness? Trends in Neurosciences 37(11): 618-9.
  • Soto D, Silvanto J (2014). Reappraising the relationship between working memory and conscious awareness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18(10):520-5. 
  • Renzi C, Vecchi T, D’Angelo, Silvanto J, Cattaneo Z (2014). Phosphene induction by cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 125(10):2132-3.
  • Cattaneo Z, Renzi C, Casali S, Silvanto J, Vecchi T, Papagno C, D’ Egidio A (2014). Cerebellar vermis plays a causal role in visual motion discrimination. Cortex 58:272-80
  • Bona S, Silvanto J (2014). Accuracy and confidence of visual short-term memory do not go hand-in-hand: behavioral and neural dissociations. PLoS One 9(3):e90808
  • Dutta A, Shah K, Silvanto J, Soto D (2014). Neural basis of non-conscious working memory. NeuroImage 91:336-43.
  • Bona S, Herbert A, Toneatto C, Silvanto J, Cattaneo Z (2014). The causal role of the lateral occipital complex in visual mirror symmetry detection and grouping: An fMRI-guided TMS study. Cortex 51:46-55.