Each year the CSJR welcomes academics, postgraduates and practitioners from around the world. People stay from one week through to a year.

Numbers are limited because of available space. Priority is given to those who are involved in or developing research projects with colleagues in the CSJR.

No funding is available to support visiting scholars. We can only provide desk space and access to university facilities.

A desk charge of £250 per month is levied to cover administrative and staff costs. This can be reduced if there are good reasons.

To apply to the Visiting Scholars Programme, contact the CSJR Director, Dr Ben Pitcher, at [email protected]. Please include the following information in the first instance:

  • status: academic, postgraduate, practitioner
  • institutional affiliation
  • length of stay: dates
  • reason for applying to the CSJR (including research collaborators)
  • brief summary of programme of research (no more than 500 words)