Westminster Business School, sponsored by the Quintin Hogg Trust, has invested in a new state of the art boardroom.

The Westminster Boardroom combines a high standard of design with the latest technology and provides an optimal space for Westminster MBA students to hone their boardroom skills.

The newly launched Westminster MBA programme prepares its participants for leadership roles in organisations, both corporate and start-ups/SMEs. The boardroom has a large board table seating 24 people, as well as four huddle pods for small groups to work in, providing the ideal space for research, discussion and decision-making.

While the new space will be predominantly used by students of the Westminster MBA programme, participants of some of Westminster Business School’s executive courses will also benefit from this facility.


  • One large screen equipped for video conferencing
  • VC system with directional mic and camera
  • TV to display the news, Twitter feeds, etc.
  • Ceiling-mounted camera
  • Ceiling-mounted directional mic
  • Power for each seat at the table (including USB points)
  • Both hardwired (HDMI, USB on board table) and wireless casting of device displays to the large screens
  • In the huddle spaces, there is connectivity and power plus a wall mounted whiteboard enabling e-capture of whiteboard content
  • There are a number of glass writing boards along the wall opposite the window