Yrol Fernando

Photo of Yroll Fernando

Software Engineer | National Australia Bank (NAB)

Software Engineering MSC- 2013

Studying at the University of Westminster was a great experience.

What are you doing now?

I am working as a Software Engineer for National Australia Bank (NAB).


What did you find most valuable about your course at Westminster? How did the skills you learnt during your degree help you to shape your career?

Gaining practical knowledge through lab sessions.


What was the best thing about being a student in London?

I was exposed to a multicultural environment where I met people from different parts of the world.


What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?

Study hard and always try to learn something extra related to your field, apart from the course content. That will pay you off at least when you are facing the very first interview of your career. So stay hungry and stay foolish.


Why would you recommend Westminster as a place to study?

The facilities they provide plus the experienced staff members.


Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself, your achievements, life-experiences, what inspires you, or career that may be valuable/interesting to our prospective students or alumni?

Studying at the University of Westminster was a great experience.