Ruqayya Mahmood

Ruqayya Mahmood

Integrative Health And Wellbeing MSc

The University of Westminster offers many opportunities to students in every field to grow and prepare for their future. I’ve always wanted to study here, and I feel lucky to be a part of it.

Why did you choose the University of Westminster?

Westminster has always been my dream destination to study for my Masters. My chosen area of interest (which is hard to find elsewhere) is taught at this university. The exposure to London life I got from studying at the Cavendish Campus is beautiful and something I will never forget. The University of Westminster offers many opportunities to students in every field to grow and prepare for their future. I’ve always wanted to study here, and I feel lucky to be a part of it.

How has your experience been studying in London?

My experience has been unforgettable and absolutely beautiful. It's allowed me to explore a whole new world, and every time I walk around London, I find something new, and I'm sure there is still so much out there that I haven't discovered yet. I love London and will keep exploring.

What have you particularly enjoyed about your course?

My course's practical aspects have made it much more interesting – I can apply everything we have learnt to my daily life. Interventions, methods, reflections and well-being sessions were my most enjoyable learnings.

How have you found academic support as part of your studies?

I have found the academic support to be quite helpful.

Tell us about any activities that you have undertaken outside of your course 

I joined various different sports and cultural societies, which I've had a lot of fun being a part of!

What would your advice be to someone considering studying at Westminster?

In my opinion, it is a good university, and I recommend that anyone interested should go.

What's the best aspect of being a University of Westminster student?

You learn many new skills and gain knowledge in many ways.

What was the most surprising or unexpected aspect of your Westminster experience?

The number of societies, games and different clubs on offer by Westminster has been the most surprising aspect of my experience so far.