Gulsah Koken

Gulsah Koken photo

Senior Product Manager | GSK

International Business and Management MA - 2013

The University of Westminster is so diverse and rich in culture, it was definitely one of the things I appreciated the most.

What are you doing now?

I am working as a Senior Product Manager at one of Turkey’s leading pharmaceutical companies.


What did you find most valuable about your course at Westminster? How did the skills you learnt during your degree help you to shape your career?

After having an honours degree in Engineering in Turkey, I started my Master’s degree in 2001. I believed that the engineering degree coupled with management education at one of London’s top tier Business Schools would equip me with enough knowledge and skills to secure a high profile job in the business sector. Studying at the University of Westminster has provided me with a practical and intensive foundation in business administration. It gave me an advantage when I applying to the University of California/Berkeley to start a Marketing Diploma Programme and to then successfully continue my career in the Pharmaceuticals Sector.


Why would you recommend Westminster as a place to study?

The multicultural environment means that in seminars, lectures and with classmates, you learn to accept different views and opinions and use them to form a much better and rounded judgement. The University of Westminster is so diverse and rich in culture in terms of its students and staff that it was definitely one of the things I enjoyed and appreciated the most.


What was the best thing about being a student in London?

London, one of the greatest cities in the world, is a wonderful place to be a student with its colourful, dynamic, social and multicultural environment.


What extra-curricular activities did you participate in that enhanced your time at the University?

I shadowed Ruth Stillman, the Marketing Manager at the University of Westminster, during an internship between March and June 2002.


What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?

I recommend the University of Westminster to prospective students who want to equip themselves with the right attributes to take the necessary steps in their career in London’s very social and colourful atmosphere.


Why would you recommend Westminster as a place to study? 

The international character of my study at the University of Westminster specifically addressed my needs in terms of quality and flexibility. The diversity of the programme prepared me for face-to-face interaction with different kinds of people, thoughts, values and cultures in business the world over. I now have several years of managerial experience in the Pharmaceutical industry in Turkey, specifically for the top ten selling products at multinational pharmaceutical companies together with short-term work experience in the US.