The Medicines Diagnostics and Disease Modelling (MDDM), within the Centre for Optimal Health, is based in the University of Westminster's School of Life Sciences. Research within the group investigates a broad range of risk factors and disease triggers that interact to produce specific pathologies, and our objective is to develop new approaches to improve diagnosis and treatment.  The group works on a range of diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and neglected diseases.

Cutting-edge techniques used within the group include: CRISPR gene-editing, genomic analysis, transcriptomic profiling, proteomic investigations, metabolomic studies, protein structure analysis, virtual screening, flow cytometry and total thrombus-formation analysis (T-TAS).


We are committed to conducting research that is aligned with the core values of the University of Westminster, the 'Being Westminster 2022 - 2029' strategy, and the United Nations' sustainability development goals. Our commitment is reflected in our pursuit of impactful research utilizing cutting-edge techniques such as gene-editing, genomic analysis, transcriptomic profiling, proteomic investigations, and metabolomic studies to identify the networks that play crucial roles in human health and disease. To support the University's vision of bridging research and teaching, we continuously engage in creating immersive research-led learning experiences reflecting latest advancements in the field of disease research.