Place and Experience is one of five new research groups established by the School of Architecture and Cities in 2021. The Place and Experience Research Group focus on tourism and events research with specialisms in city tourism and mega events, the tourist and destination community experiences, and sustainability.

We have a shared concern of the social, environmental as well as business challenges that bringing people to places pose. We are interested in broader analyses of tourism and events and how they link with understandings of place and experience in architecture and urban design, development studies, and geography. Much of our work is inter/trans-disciplinary and is internationally focused, reflecting the cosmopolitan profile of our staff and host city.

We have a supportive environment for our PhD students and welcome new applications from research students interested in pursuing projects linked to our work. We disseminate our work widely through seminars, symposia, conferences, published articles and books, and regularly host events. We host visiting researchers and have several visiting research fellows, visiting professors and an Emeritus Professor (Robert Maitland) who all play an active role.