Photography MA students will present two exhibitions at the University’s Marylebone Campus in Central London, bringing together a year-long exploration of art, documentary and photojournalism.

Student Julia Neal's photo - called 15:04:06
Julia Neal's 15:04:16

Work by the 2022 Photography Arts MA and Documentary Photography and Photojournalism MA students will be on display in Ambika P3, the University of Westminster’s unique exhibition space, from Friday 25 November to Thursday 1 December 2022. A private viewing is available upon booking on Thursday 24 November from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

The Photography Arts MA exhibition called ‘Look Again’ celebrates and engages with the world around us. The exhibition showcases a range of multi-disciplinary practices, which comment on the different perspectives around us. The work uses photography to respond to our rapidly changing society and wider contemporary visual culture, with themes ranging from reality to fiction, identity to history, and ecology to invisibility. Each project meticulously assesses why their subject is so important.

The Documentary Photography and Photojournalism MA exhibition, ‘Consider This’, addresses our socio-political landscape on a global scale. From examining colonial legacies to reflecting on current events, the work examines subjects that are at crisis point. From analogue photography using natural resources, to AI-generated landscapes, the camera is explored as an apparatus that creates our own visual language. Private and public spheres are connected through themes of identity, the idiosyncrasies of human behaviour and family.

Find out more about studying Arts, Design and Visual Culture courses at Westminster.

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