Siavoush Redhai

Photo of Siavoush Redhai

Web Developer

Computer Games Development- 2012

Studying in Westminster introduced me to programming and further deepened my understanding of technology without which I wouldn't be in employment.

What are you doing now?

I am currently working as a Web Developer for a small company in the City.


What did you find most valuable about your course at Westminster? How did the skills you learnt during your degree help you to shape your career?

Meeting people I wouldn't have had the chance to meet otherwise. Studying in Westminster introduced me to programming and further deepened my understanding of technology without which I wouldn't be in employment.


What was the best thing about being a student in London?

Living in London I had access to one of the greatest cities in the world, a city which you can never get bored with as there is always something new to discover.


What extra-curricular activities did you participate in that enhanced your time at the University?

I was a member of the Anime & Games Society.


What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?

Technology is a field based on skill. Take advantage of the great wealth of information on the internet to always practice and sharpen your skill set.


Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself, your achievements, life-experiences, what inspires you, or career that may be valuable/interesting to our prospective students or alumni?

Life may not always turn out as you planned but keeping a positive mindset will guarantee you a good life.