The Cyber Security Research Group brings together expertise in education, research and practice in the field of cyber security. The group engages in industry and government-funded research and the group members conduct research in areas spanning from practical applications of IoT, anomaly detection, data security, and risk assessment to the theoretical foundations of cyber security and cyber security education.

The group members conduct research in areas spanning from the theoretical foundations of cryptography to the design and implementation of leading-edge efficient and secure communication protocols. It also looks at the human factors and their impacts in cyber security threats and attacks. Many of the group members also participate in the teaching of the Cyber Security and Forensics MSc programme and embed their research in their teaching methods. Research group members are also involved in cyber security education at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Research in the group focuses predominantly in the following areas:

  • Anomaly detection
  • Cyber security education
  • Cyber security impact on business management and leadership
  • Human factors and people problem
  • Data security (confidentiality, integrity)
  • Cryptography and keys distribution
  • Blockchain technology
  • Forensics for cyber security
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • IPv6 and security
  • Machine learning and cyber aecurity
  • Risk assessment
  • Smart cities and smart applications
  • Privacy preservice systems, such as e-voting schemes, reputation systems and trust
  • Legal aspects of cyber security and forensics