John Owens, Professor of American Government and Politics at the University of Westminster, has spoken to TRT World about the impact the ages of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden will have on the US election.

Close up image of John Owens

The article discusses whether the age of both Trump and Biden will play a role in the forthcoming US presidential election. Professor Owens notes, however, that while there is concern about Biden’s age and his ability to serve for a full second term, Trump’s age could work in the current President’s favour.

He said: "The simple fact is, the risk of death and dementia increases exponentially with age. However, while Biden has disclosed his medical records, Trump has not, at least to the same extent. He is also overweight whereas Biden is not. The bottom line is, it helps Biden that Trump is also old."

Owens also discusses the impact on the election of the vice presidential candidates, particularly concern over Vice President Kamala Harris who, if re-elected, may be required to take over from Biden mid-term.

He added: "It hardly matters who Trump’s VP will be, since he will dictate everything. Biden's situation is more interesting and more problematic. Harris was a good choice in 2020 because she was a woman of colour and helped shore up the Democratic base. But in 2024, there are doubts about her popularity. Her disapproval rating is high, largely because many voters lack confidence in her ability to take over, should Biden become incapacitated or die in office."

Read the full article at TRT World.

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