Chantal Gautier, Senior Lecturer and Sexologist at the University of Westminster, has written an article for Reader’s Digest, exploring the impact losing a partner at a young age can have and offering advice on how people can cope with the loss. 

In the article, Gautier explains the impact losing a partner can have on a person’s mental health, from disrupting their sense of security and stability to increasing anxiety over the fragility of life and the potential of further losses. It can also stop someone forming deep connections and committing to long term relationships in the future due to the fear that they can end in tragedy.

To deal with the impact of loss, Gautier suggests that there is not just one method that works for everyone. She said: “Perhaps the key takeaway here is that there is no universal right or wrong way to navigate the experience of loss. What matters most is recognising and addressing the distinctive challenges confronted by young people in the aftermath of loss.”

She adds: “It is crucial to understand that suffering in silence is not the only option. There are resources and support networks available, waiting to assist when you are ready to reach out.”

Read the full article on the Reader’s Digest website.


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