Film, TV and radio studios

Venue overview
£1000 per day
+44 (0)20 7911 5000 ext 68018
[email protected]

Our film and TV facilities include a wide range of high-end professional studios, edit facilities and specialist spaces. Both studios measure 11x17x6.2 meters (WxLxH) and are double-height studios with a spiral staircase for quick access to the control rooms and a large slide door to the Scenery Bay.

Facilities and equipment

Film studio

Our film studio/sound stage features a lighting grid and a wide range of lighting fixtures from 1k to 10k, HMI’s, space lights, grip, dolly and track. Featuring track mounted black drapes, side-loading dock door.

The 1,800 sq ft double-height studio is ideal for large-scale performances.

Railway carriage set for ‘Splitting Hairs’


TV studio

The multi-camera TV studio/sound stage is equipped with four 2/3” broadcast HD cameras, mounted on Vinten pedestals, two with prompter monitors. Featuring separate and recently upgraded, audio and video control/production galleries, offering 48 channel digital audio and 64 channel lighting control.

Harrow television studio


Dressing and green rooms

Next to the studios are two dressing rooms, (2.1x4m WxL) for actor prepping, changing and make-up and a green-room (3.7x4m WxL)

Harrow TV/film studio dressing room


Radio studio

Four recently updated all-digital radio studios and three control rooms with Logitech desks, all of which have access to Burli news wires, Myriad playout system and outside phone lines.

The studios are connected to a fourth studio in London's West End for contributors and have a mobile TieLine unit for bringing in reporters feeds while on the road.

Harrow Radio Studio


Edit suites

Nine Mac Pro suites with multi-screen displays, with the latest industry-standard software, everything from Avid and Final Cut Pro X to Adobe CC and Microsoft Office.

Harrow TV studio control room - no.6


Booking enquiries

If you’d like to know more about any of our venues, just give us a call or send us an email.

+44 (0)20 7911 5000 ext 68018

[email protected]

Our location

Together with AccessAble, we have created online Disabled Access Guides for our buildings.

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Contact us

+44 (0)20 7911 5000 ext 68018

Opening hours (GMT): 9am-5pm Monday to Friday