Westminster Enterprise Network (WeNetwork) has recently held a successful week-long student pitching competition, titled Next Level. The programme aimed to equip students with the skills to develop a business idea and turn it into a reality. 

Westminster students group picture during Next Level competition

Supported by Amit Patel from Experience Haus, a design workshop and training provider, the programme covered a range of topics including validation, marketing and funding opportunities.

Students could apply to take part with any project or idea developed through their coursework, PhD or dissertation and were all invited to attend a series of in-person workshops to develop them further. Those committing to the full week earned a certificate and received a share of the £925 prize pot. Some projects of the week included documentary film production, lab sharing for international students, sustainable fashion, craft and wig brands, and high-end perfume discovery.  

At the end of the week, each of the students pitched their final presentations to Amit, the WeNetwork Team and the other participants. The students who successfully completed projects over the course of the week were Juwairiya Zulfiqar, Candace Clarke, Grace Tayo, Robert Takac, Nazli May Acar, Esther Adedeji, Amir Zamanian, Debrah Igbinedion, Fabia Hannan Mone, Eleanor Tomlinson, Yangzhi Zhang, Pamindu Gallehewa, and Leroy Morgan. 

Grace Tayo, student of the Fashion Design BA course, have developed an idea to sell deadstock yarn to students, hobbyists and knitwear designers. Talking about the programme, she said: “Next Level was really helpful for me, as in the beginning I had a vague idea. From doing Next Level I now have a pitch deck, a forecast, and I know which customers to target first.”

Zsófia Kunvári, Enterprise Education Officer at the University of Westminster, said: “We were hoping to create an opportunity for students already working on brilliant projects within the curriculum to discover where they can take it next in terms of building a business plan and seeking funding. I am incredibly proud of all the students who put time and effort into the week, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes them next.”

The Next Level programme aimed to prepare students to successfully apply for the Westminster Big Idea Competition and compete for further funding with their business idea or innovation. Next Level will return in the next academic year to support more students in developing their ideas and academic projects. 

Book a free ticket to the LIVE Big Idea semi-final at the University of Westminster. 

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