'Thinking Critically about Suicide and Suicide Prevention: the development of the critical suicide studies network'

Date 8 November 2023
Time 1 - 2pm
Location Cavendish Campus

Join us for a talk by Dr Ian Marsh on suicide prevention and the development of critical suicide studies network.

Headshot of Dr Ian Marsh

Dr Ian Marsh is a Reader in the School of Allied and Public Health at Canterbury Christ Church University. He has worked in suicide prevention for 30 years, initially as a clinician in community mental health, then as an academic and researcher.

Ian’s main teaching and research interests are in critical approaches to health and social care, particularly as they relate to suicide and suicide prevention.

He is currently involved in research on online harms for UK Samaritans, and on suicide in public places for the railway industry, Highways England, and at coastal locations. He is academic lead for the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Group, was a founding member of the Critical Suicide Studies Network, and is the Suicide-Safer Universities project lead in Canterbury.

Ian’s publications include Suicide: Foucault, History and Truth (Cambridge University Press, 2010); Critical Suicidology: Toward Creative Alternatives (UBC Press, 2016) and Suicide and Social Justice: New Perspectives on the Politics of Suicide and Suicide Prevention (Routledge, 2020).


Round the Green Table in Psychology, 6th Floor – Copland Building, New Cavendish Street