The University and Students’ Union are running free online ‘Look After Your Mate’ training workshops for all students at the University.

Look after your mate workshops poster

To promote Mental Health Awareness Week taking place on the 18-24 May 2020, we are re-launching our 'Look After Your Mate' online! 

As face-to-face sessions have been cancelled due to the current climate, we have collaborated with Student Minds to adapt the training for online delivery. The training is now an interactive two-hour workshop with a capacity for 10 student delivery.

It covers practical tips on how to support a mate that you may be worried about such as spotting warning signs, what to say to them, signposting them to the right services and your self-care. 

The training is for all students, whether you currently have a friend who is struggling or not. 
One in four of us will experience mental health issues in our lives, so there’s a high chance that you will have a friend you can provide support to at some point. 

The session will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to effectively support your own and your mates’ mental health and wellbeing. You’ll also gain desirable skills to put on your CV, such as communication, listening and motivating skills. 

Click on the below links to sign up for the following sessions: 

For more information, please email [email protected]. If you’re unable to attend these training dates or if they’re already booked up, you can register your interest for future sessions here.

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