Challenging Unhelpful Thoughts - online workshop

Date 28 March 2023
Time 1 - 2pm
Location Online
Cost Free
Man with a thought bubble above his head

About the event

Thinking can be wonderful. It means we can plan, solve problems, create and imagine. People have thousands of thoughts every day. Some are helpful and uplifting (e.g., “I’m glad I was able to help”), and some are more downbeat (e.g., “I’ll never be able to do this”). Some are accurate (e.g., “I said the wrong thing and upset someone”), and some are less so (e.g., “I’m completely useless”).

However, thinking can also cause problems by making us worry, dwell on things and criticise ourselves. It’s common to feel distressed or overwhelmed by our thoughts at times. In fact, problems such as anxiety and depression have a lot to do with how we think.

Fortunately, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is very good at targeting the unhelpful thoughts – and the patterns of thinking – that cause these problems. This online workshop will discuss some of the unhelpful thinking patterns we can experience and will offer strategies for reframing our unhelpful thoughts.

If you would like to register for this online workshop, please contact Gina Casserly: [email protected].