About the project

The project was conducted by Linda Clarke, Colin Gleeson, Fred Steward, and Dimitris Stevis (Colorado State University). The study was conducted as part of the Canadian research programme Adapting Canadian Workplaces – An International Perspective (ACW), $20,000, 2016–2017.

The project intends to identify interventions by unions across US and Europe and map these according to the particular transition pathways implied. The project provides a systematic overview of relevant and key practices and proposals in Europe and the US at the federal and sub-federal levels: 

  • those that affect workers and to which workers and unions have to respond
  • those by labour unions and/or directly involving labour unions, including proposals by unions or organisations in which unions play a leading role


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The project publications and outcomes, including presentations and reports, can be found on the Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces to Respond to Climate Change (ACW) repository.

You can also read a PDF version of the Green Initiatives Database.