If you're unable to submit or attend an assessment or you submit coursework late

Occasionally serious, unexpected circumstances outside your control may mean you're unable to attend or submit an assessment or you submit your coursework late.

The University has a procedure and set of regulations around mitigating circumstances (MCs) to ensure you're not disadvantaged if faced with this kind of serious situation.

You can find out what count as MCs, check claim submission deadlines and how to apply on our Mitigating circumstances page.

Note that if you do need to resubmit coursework, this can affect your entitlement to student finance or may have an impact on your Student Visa. Talk to our Student Advice team to check whether your funding or visa may be affected.

If you need short-term exam arrangements due to a temporary condition

If you've broken a limb or had a recent injury and need short-term arrangements to enable you to sit an exam, you can make a request via our Individual exam arrangements page.

If you have an exam clash

An exam clash is when you have two or more exams scheduled for the same time on the same day. If you have two or more exams on the same day but at different times, this would not be an exam clash.

Full details on what to do are provided on our Exam clashes page.

If you fail an assessment or need to retake a module

Each year, your final, confirmed results for each module are published on your student record.

You may find that you have assessments that are marked as 'referred' or modules that are marked as 'retake'.

If you have a referred assessment, it means you'll be able to re-sit or re-submit the assessment in the summer on specific dates, which are published on our Results and awards page.

If you have a module with a status of 'Failed; Retake', you'll need to retake the module in the next academic year, including attending all the classes and re-sitting and re-submitting any assessments.

For more information on results, including on referrals, retakes and other statuses, check our Results and awards page.

Note that if you do need to retake an assessment or module, this can affect your entitlement to student finance or may have an impact on your Student Visa. Talk to our Student Advice team to check whether your funding or visa may be affected.

If you think an assessment mark has been wrongly recorded

 If you think a mark is missing or has been incorrectly recorded on your student record, please contact the Library and Student Centre.

If you're struggling with essay writing, maths, IT or other study skills

There are a range of options for students who wish to develop their study skills, including academic skills workshops and appointments, Academic English modules and IT training.

To find out more about developing the skills needed to do well in your exams and coursework, visit our Study skills and training page.