Hélène Lambert is currently involved in a research project on ‘Statelessness in international refugee law’. She is co-writing a book on the subject with Professor Michelle Foster (University Melbourne) and will be spending some of her time in Melbourne (in 2015) as a Dyason Fellow. This project builds on her previous research funded by the UNHCR (2013/14), that led to a study published by UNHCR: H Lambert, ‘Refugee Status, Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality, and Statelessness within the Context of Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees’, Legal and Protection Policy Series, Division of International Protection, Geneva, October 2014, pp.58.

Professor Lambert's other publications, actively contributing to this field of research, include newspaper and journal articles, together with co-authorship of books and book collaborations: