Cross-university E-Waste Ideathon

Date 10 June 2024
Time 1:30 - 7:30pm
Cost Free

Calling all University of Westminster students! We invite you to join the E-waste ‘ideathon’ this June. The session will help develop new skills, showcase your ideas and provide the opportunity to network with students and professionals from other London universities.

An ‘ideathon’, similar to a ‘hackathon’ is a collaborative event where student teams work together to generate creative solutions to specific problems or challenges. These are used in different industries (e.g., engineering, design, social sciences, business, etc.) to explore possible solutions to a problem. At this event, the issue and possible solutions to the increased generation of e-waste will be discussed.

The problem of E-waste

E-waste, or electronic waste, is defined as anything with plugs, cords and electronic components, e.g. mobile phones, computers, kitchen appliances. Electrical appliances contain a mixture of non-renewable resources such as gold and aluminium. When disposed of, these minerals are not reused, and they are becoming depleted. 

Where will the Ideathon take place, and when?

This ideation will be held at Kingston University, at the Town House (25 minutes from Waterloo station by train), on the 10 of June, 13:30 - 19:00.

Which universities will be taking part? 

  • University of Westminster 
  • City, University of London
  • Imperial College London
  • King's College London
  • Kingston University London
  • London School of Economics
  • London South Bank University
  • University of Greenwich

What will the programme of the day look like?

13:30-14:00 - Registration  

14:00-17:00 - Introduction, setting the context and Ideathon

17:00-18:30 - Teams' presentations

18:30-19:30 - Networking

Signing up

If you would like to participate, please submit this form by Wednesday 5 June. A maximum of seven candidates will be selected from each university, and selection will be on a first come first serve basis. For more information, email [email protected].